Saturday, December 31, 2016

A Fulks Christmas 2016 Letter

Recently running into a couple at the lake that are friends from way back in our young-married, early-20s days; last night's Netflix binge-watching with another friend; and, today's months-delayed brunch at Village Inn with a special friend all help to define the gift that relationships are to us. Though from our perspective, in ways, time seems to stand still; yet, days, months or even years pass since last conversations, with tangibles like wrinkles and grandchildren and struggles and blessings that visually punctuate the passing of many moons. 

2016's six supermoons came and went. And so did Jeff's May 2016 missions trip to the Philippines. It was the highlight of his year. He always returns bearing gifts, fun stories, and meaningful memories.

A few more moons brought welcome change into our lives. In May, after 4 long years of sabbatical, Diane returned to the workforce, part-time in Evangel University's Housing Office. Working side-by-side with none other than... a treasured friend. The learning curve has been great, the workload challenging, but the complaints are few.  

Our little "Grand's" September baby dedication
The week prior to starting her new job, Diane helped with Shayna's move, to home ownership. Shayna and family now live just minutes from Mark, her cousin. Her two "Sons of Thunder" love thundering from room to room, having brother-fun. Intuitive, 6-year-old Jackson began kindergarten, and Dad walks him to the bus most weekday mornings. Ever-curious, 3-year-old Will attends pre-school 3 mornings a week. So at times, sensitive, 20-month-old Isla actually has Mom to herself.

Chillin' at Nathan's

Day trips to Tulsa visiting Nathan are always highlights. One visit occurred for his April birthday, another in August, and still another for Thanksgiving. He has sought both our decorating advice and our meager plumbing skills, with what ended up being a tiny shampoo label backing up the tub's drain. Oh, the magic of a Dollar Store gadget. I suppose a clothes hanger would have worked just as well.

On April Fool's, Diane rejoiced for 10 years of cancer freedom, and she prays for close-others who fight their recent battles. 

At a friend's wedding we reminisce 40 years together
Most of Jeff's six brothers and sisters and Nathan visited in the spring. In June, Jeff's aunt and uncle celebrated 70 years of marriage. Wow! and in August we quietly celebrated our anniversary. We attended one family wedding, and Jeff's Mom looks forward to another great-grandchild in 2017.

Our house was full for Christmas. Exactly the way Diane likes it. Eating together, walking at the lake, exchanging gifts, attending Christmas morning service, and playing with the grands. That was Christmas 2016, with a few hours of Silver Dollar City rides somehow tucked into 4 full days.

Diane can't help but recall one memorable car ride this year. It was the big Moving Day for Shayna and family. Diane accepted the critical mission to safely transport "Grand" #1 a mere 40 minutes to his new home. He was apprehensive about the house change, yet he quietly sat, in the backseat of Diane's SUV, safely tucked into his car seat. At every signal light, because of her GPS, Diane knew whether or not to turn. And when a turn was necessary, which way to turn. She answered questions and rambled aloud about much of everything, yet much of nothing, singing Mary Poppins songs to reassure her momentarily fragile "Grand": You are brave. 

That car ride reminds us of the many moons that will pass and the turns that will occur in 2017. With the now-and-not-yet of a new President leading our country and the many changes which that change will bring. We want to embrace our days and trust that our lives are in God's hands. He knows the route, and He's provided his Word in the Bible for calm assurance. A few therapeutic conversations with friends might help too. 

Mary and Joseph's safe guidance during their long trek to Bethlehem over 2,000 years ago, and then God providing a protected manger for their newborn babe, reminds us of His power balanced with creative and unimaginable provision. God is good. Be safe. Happy New Year. 

And... ¯Supermooncalifragilisticexpialidocious¯(Mary Poppins).

For God so loved the world...  (John 3:16)

Thursday, November 3, 2016

More Thoughts About Voting on the 8th

We the people have chosen our Final Two, and only one can win this coming Election Day. The final vote casting for President in this bizarre election is almost here. Unlike anxiously cheering for my Chicago team's "W" during the recent World Series playoffs, the fate of this drama feels like a grueling no-win dog fight.

Why should I even vote when it is a toss-up in almost every way? But I will, because others have fought for my right to vote, and I and others have prayed. My mind is finally made up, with these closing thoughts:
Chicago: 10 innings/8 runs

  • My entire voting life, in other words quite a few years, I have been a die-hard voter for "Dad's party." Through thick and thin, he supported his political party and passed the baton on to me.
  • In the primaries, my party chose a particular candidate (Dad's party until his last breaths in 2006). The earth shook and my palms sweated, but I did vote for my party's candidate. 
  • It took many-a-moon to psych myself up to support my party's winning candidate. And finally, I thought that I had, and believed for the best.
  • I have key beliefs. My party's candidate verbally aligns with those beliefs. But then again says lots of things and then denies them.
  • Many times in the past month I wished that I could have talked with Dad, asking what he would do. 
  • Everything within me wants to stay on-board. I am loyal. But I can no longer recognize my party. Its identity has changed.
  • Rather than me jumping ship on them mid-stream, I now realize that they actually jumped ship on me. The base has majorly morphed. They don't own me.
  • A key video released in 2016 on 10/8, plus a plethora of televised temperamental rants, reveal serious character flaws. To me, more serious than the other candidate's flaws, and even more serious than the issues.
  • I hate what this election is revealing in me. It has profoundly surfaced from within the ugly judgmental-factor. Forgive. Me.
  • I feel compelled to make a fine distinction. Rather than voting for, my vote is against. I temporarily changed parties, for this one election.
  • The rubber meets the road here and now. Instead of trusting in our new leader, I will instead trust in a Steady God.

A mere man or woman cannot save U.S.
There is only One
The Steady One

Job 39, The Bible

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

2016 Election Thoughts

Presidential election coverage screams 24/7, on network newscasts and especially on CNN and Fox News. I am confused, so I write at this critical "Now-and-Not-Yet" moment. If my thoughts represent a flower, they are oval-shaped wild ones with tiny soft spikes... Purple Allium. The ones added to wild-flower bouquets to texture friendly daisies and soft greenery. My thoughts, like those spiked ovals, have many points, and each point gets to a point.

With November 8th just around the corner, it is time to make a final decision about my vote for President. Neither candidate comes across as true blue, honest, nor contrite. Each appears to have equal flaws. One refuses to reveal income tax forms (and other things), and the other has chosen to delete revealing emails. It's a draw.

One appears to be more than rude to women; the other is no respecter of persons. In fact, the candidate appears to have a natural tendency to be nasty to a variety of people (actually, they both do). The difference is that one candidate pretty much has a sixth sense for when to suppress those ugly tendencies... the other does not. It's a draw.

One of the platforms supports a key issue that is dear to my heart. The other platform supports just about everything except that one key issue. And health care is important too. Although those issues are important to me, they alone do not tempt my vote for this bizarre election. It's still a draw, because I need a grounded reason.

One candidate builds towers and seems to get things done, but uses railroading tactics that are highly questionable. The other has a few clear accomplishments. But both candidates are older than I would prefer. I come to a stalemate in this paragraph.

So, I look for the candidate who will be a level-headed leader. One appears to be somewhat passive, and would likely take that same posture as a world leader. And, this candidate has never been a true leader. The other uses openly divisive tactics and is a reactive inciter. Media, and the rest of the world, and somewhere out there a crazed world leader or two... all watch with binoculars and view with figurative microscopes the topics that will push our buttons, and "they" puppeteer us through WikiLeaks. Both candidates are far from flawless, with ways or responses that are unsettling. Add to the leadership portfolio the daunting global aspect, and again it's a draw.

I step beyond all of those factors and look at what the election process has revealed about we the people. There is anger to the point of rage. I see division and hostility fueled by neediness rather than selflessness. Level-spirited differences of opinion are escalating. No matter who wins this election, we the people are anything but united. There are deep fissures. I look for the humility-factor, but it is vanishing. Post-election 2016 America might have one vengeful loser. And that concerns me greatly. Hell hath no fury like a particular woman again "scorned" of the Presidency or especially a particular man trumped. Again, it's a draw.

The balance of power has always been our fail-safe. If one portion of our country's leadership is out of whack, there are checks that have been long-ago established. But strongholds and divisive ways, otherwise called political stalemates, are chipping away at our constitution's genius.

Years of presidential election after presidential election have brought us to this moment. Prayerfully bracing for "Now-and-Not-Yet"... November 8th... and beyond is the similar posture that was modeled in the Bible by humble Prophet Jeremiah and also by the ultimate Good Leader, the Steady One. They were able to embrace a supernatural perspective.

I should feel unsettled, but don't. Rattled balance is more my posture of the hour. Neither candidate and neither party can "save" America. Not the way it needs to be saved. Only humbling before the flawless One, Almighty God, will show us the way. It is not too late to do that, or continue to do that, and face our country's 2016 elections. And afterwards face the music.

I will trust the system and vote for one of the major candidates. As a TV celebrity recently said, in a serious yet lighthearted way: "You don't have to like the candidate for which you vote [pregnant pause] you won't be having them over for dinner."

However, I will continue to see him or her on the evening news at mealtime, for at least the next 4 years. Pray for the peace of Jerusalem. Exciting times are ahead.

Jeremiah 28-29
Mark 11

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

A Bumpy Shoulder is Better Than No Shoulder

The other day while driving to work, I believed I would either be a witness to tragedy or an innocent victim. For perspective, I was in the middle lane of three-lane US-65, heading northbound. Which for a tense stretch, has one-and-a-half lanes of vehicles merging onto the highway; in other words five lanes narrow to three.

A 16-wheeler in the far left fast-lane passes me, barreling down the highway going at least 70 mph in a 60-mph zone. It then quickly changes lanes. Like a race car driver. The truck is directly in front of me, and it again changes lanes. Jumping to the slower far right lane, behind another 16-wheeler. The large trailer literally rocks. Surely there were streaks of light between those wheels and the pavement.

Again, the lawless trucker switches lanes, to the farthest right temporary merging lane, to what he doesn't realize is basically no lane. Lawless deserves a ticket for reckless driving. The unexpected quick ending of the merge lane turns into a wider than average paved shoulder, for just a temporary stretch.

Tightening my grip on the steering wheel, I am aghast! The two large 16-wheelers are neck-and-neck. Their doors are so close to each other that, for a moment, their side-view mirrors appear conjoined. The tires of Lawless barely hold to the highway's ever-diminishing shoulder, in a narrowing merge lane, approaching a bridge where his lane vanishes. Steady, Lawless’ conjoined trucker, remains to his left. But Lawless fails to slow down and yield as he should. He turns an already dangerous situation into daredevil.

Stuck between a rock-and-a-tight-place, Lawless and Steady will either crash-and-burn or they will somehow survive. A brief Now-and-Not-Yet quickly becomes a Now-or-Never moment. Instead of decreasing his mph chaos, merge-lane-heading-for-too-narrow-for-a-16-wheeler-bridge Lawless increases his speed. His tires shoot debris. He takes the phrase "Never give up" to as close to criminal as possible.

Sane Steady has no choice but to hold back and considerably reduce his speed to prevent disaster. All somehow plays out within the span of a few nail-biting moments. Lawless speeds away, on the main road again, and his counterpart Steady is trump-ed.

Few could deny that watching 2016's politically-fired evening news feels nail-biting similar. Two political forces barrel down the highway. Steady: Born-ready.  Lawless [in my opinion, selfish]: Born maniac?!? Dangerous Lawless is not about to give in... and sadly, our country will never be the same.

For the secret power of lawlessness is already at work;
but the one who now holds it back will continue to do so'til he is taken out of the way.
(2 Thessalonians 2:7)